Page updated May 18, 2024




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May 18, 2024

The 2024 WHAS Derby Day montage is available, thanks to Jim Fenn. Get it here.

May 12, 2023

The 2023 WHAS Derby Day montage is available here, courtesy Jim Fenn.

May 30, 2022

Posted a set of WRKA TM Century jingles from 1991 here.

May 15, 2022

Added Terry Meiners' 2022 WHAS interviews with Wayne Perkey and Bill Cody -- along with a hilarious 1993 "Cat Calls" bit on the WHAS Airchecks Page.

May 9, 2022

Our appreciation goes out to Jim Fenn for the 2022 WHAS Derby Day montage, which is available here.

September 19, 2021

Thanks to 1970 WINN PD/DJ Bobby Dark for the new photos posted here.

May 20, 2021

Thanks to Jim Fenn for the 2020 and 2021 WHAS Derby Day montages, which have been added here.

March 3, 2021

Added the 2020 Jon Wolfert Rewound Radio segment that spotlighted the WBLG JAM jingles here. We also added several TM Stereo Rock jingles and liners to the WQHI page.

November 29, 2020

Added the 2018 Jon Wolfert Rewound Radio segment that featured the jingles of WHAS jingles here.

November 15, 2020

Added a 1978 WVLK aircheck of Dan Davidson here, plus two Randy Davidson/Terry Meiners bits here.

February 18, 2020

Added several photos to the WHAS, WINN and WQHI pages. Our thanks to Barb Polk and Bill Elliott.

June 15, 2019

Added the 2019 WHAS Kentucky Derby Montage here, thanks to Jim Fenn.

January  12, 2019

Added two 1975 WINN airchecks (Bucks Braun and a station composite) here, thanks to Carl Blanton.

May 13, 2018

Added the 2018 WHAS Kentucky Derby Montage here, courtesy Jim Fenn.

May 3, 2018

Added an aircheck of WHAS radio's 1971 Kentucky Derby here and a WHAS jingle from PAMS Series 18 here.

What Used To Be New



After building tribute Websites to Louisville, Kentucky's two great Top 40 AM stations of the '60s and '70s (WAKY and WKLO) we wanted to salute other pre-1990 Louisville radio online -- stations like WHAS, WAVE, WINN and more. So we launched

Since the "L" in could as easily stand for Lexington as well as Louisville, we decided to also include stations from Kentucky's second largest city (which happens to be our hometown) like WLAP and WVLK.

On this site you will find airchecks, jingles, photos, and surveys from and information about Louisville and Lexington radio in the pre-CD, pre-consolidation days; the days when "cluster" didn't mean a third of the radio stations in town. We're most interested in items before 1990, but if something cool pops up from later years, we'll probably post it.

All of our audio files are in MP3 format. For optimal listening enjoyment, we suggest they be downloaded to your hard drive for later listening on your computer or iPod-type device instead of trying to stream them, especially if you have a slow Internet connection.

Do you have any material or information you'd like to make available to this project? Please contact us. We'd be very happy to accept additional airchecks, photos, surveys and other pieces of historic data to share with our visitors. Reel-to-reel and cassette tapes will be archived to CD at no charge.


Even though he was born 15 years earlier, Lexington, Kentucky native John Quincy didn't really discover Top 40 radio until he smuggled in a transistor radio to a church camp outside of Louisville in the summer of 1970. After a few hours of listening to the legendary WAKY in his dorm room, he caught the radio fever. Upon his return to Lexington and a visit to local stations to find out how radio stations really performed that on-air magic, he was hooked.

Shortly thereafter a high school teacher told him about a Junior Achievement program being sponsored by WVLK-AM. Every Wednesday night WVLK would turn over a half hour of their programming to high school kids, who would sell, operate, and program it. Quincy made sure he was one of the ones chosen to be one of the teen DJs.

Between his junior and senior year of high school, Quincy scored a summer job working seven days a week at WBGR AM & FM in Paris, Kentucky. Most of the time was spent running the board for Cincinnati Reds baseball games, but for part of each shift he got to play DJ. While it was country music (which was especially bad in the early '70s), it was radio. From that point, Quincy never looked back.

There were stints in other Lexington area radio stations (WEKY, WAXU, WCBR, WKDJ, and WBLG) before Quincy got the call in 1979 to escape Lexington's chilly winters and work in sunny Savannah, Georgia (WKBX and WZAT). Then in 1981, Quincy moved up the coast to Charleston, South Carolina to take on PM drive duties at rock station WSSX. Later Charleston gigs included AC WXTC (where he spent nearly 10 years as PD), All 70s WJUK, Country WBUB, Oldies WXLY, News-Talk WTMA, and Country WNKT. Subscribers to Tom Konard's Aircheck Factory service might remember Quincy as one of the narrators of "Around The Dial" and various profiles.

Today Quincy is the program director and morning show host at News-Talker WTMA in Charleston. Along with his radio work, he creates and maintains Web sites including tribute sites to Louisville radio stations WAKY and WKLO, and Charleston radio stations WTMA, WCSC and WOKE.

WAKY, Louisville
WKLO, Louisville

WCSC, Charleston
WOKE, Charleston

WQAM, Miami
WTMA, Charleston


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